Alysson Andrea Murillo Gamba leads the firm's Insolvency area and is responsible for handling all matters associated with client collection. Her role includes the representation and advice to national and multinational companies in the resolution of conflicts in civil, commercial, corporate matters and litigation, insolvency and actions under the consumer protection regime, negotiation and signing of contracts, structuring and enforcement of movable guarantees, real and personal, negotiation and structuring of transactional agreements, conciliatory agreements (court and out-of-court), and payment agreements, among others.
Alyssson Andrea is also in charge of strategically reviewing all types of memoranda and legal opinions for national and multinational companies, explaining insolvency, commercial, civil matters and applicable special regimes.
She has more than 6 years of professional experience advising and representing important companies in liquidation and insolvency proceedings, including important engineering and construction firms, banks, carbon market companies, pharmaceuticals, and technology companies, among others.
She is a lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, she holds a Master's Degree in Business Law and she is a Specialist in Commercial Law from the same University.
Academic background
Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali, Colombia).
Specialization in Commercial Law, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali, Colombia).
Master's Degree in Business Law, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali, Colombia).
Order of Academic Merit for having the best accumulated academic average in the undergraduate law program, within the Faculty of Humanities of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Scholarship for academic excellence for obtaining the best academic average within the undergraduate Law program, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Mail: amurillo@bbgscolombia.com
Phone: +57 601 5551350
Address: Cra 9 # 80-15 Of. 301, Bogotá Colombia