Claudia Lozano Afanador directs the Industrial Property area of BBGS Abogados Colombia. She advises clients on the protection, registration, surveillance and maintenance of their trademarks at a national and international level, providing a comprehensive service in the entire field of intellectual property and trademark litigation.
She has more than 25 years of experience, advising national and foreign companies in the protection of their industrial, intellectual and related property rights. Claudia has advised telecommunications and entertainment companies in the field of international contracting.
She is a lawyer from Universidad del Rosario. She has been highly recognized by large companies in the construction and food industry, for her professionalism and dedication in the protection and surveillance of their industrial and related property rights, for more than fifteen years.
Academic background
Lawyer, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia).

Mail: clozano@bbgscolombia.com
Phone: +57 601 5551350
Address: Cra 9 # 80-15 Of. 301, Bogotá Colombia