Risk and Compliance
The RISK AND COMPLIANCE area focuses on understanding and identifying the main risks of corruption and transnational bribery (C/ST risks), as well as money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (MLFT) to which companies or non-profit entities may be exposed, as well as their controls in order to support the client in the development of effective programs that fit their needs.
Among others, we provide the following services:
Determine the need to implement programs to protect against C/ST and ML/AFT risks from the perspective of current regulations and risk exposure.
Conduct documentary and field audit processes for companies and non-profit entities in order to determine their exposure to C/ST and LAFT risks, as well as the controls they have implemented for each of these risks.
Determination of inherent risk and residual risk based on verification of the existence and application of controls.
Determine the risk matrix, procedures and protocols that companies and non-profit entities must implement to mitigate C/ST and LAFT risks based on the viability of the activities carried out by each entity or company.
Provide advice throughout the entire policy implementation process as well as its dissemination.
Provide advice on the ongoing monitoring process of C/ST and LAFT risk prevention and control systems from the perspective of an external advisor or acting as the client's compliance officer or manager.
In general, address all types of questions and queries regarding the implementation and monitoring of an adequate C/ST and LAFT risk management system.